Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Jekyll

- 1 min

Almost six years ago, I was looking for a low-maintenance technology with simple templates for my online presence. As I embark on the journey to revitalize my website, I’m dedicated to refining its aesthetics in a simple way while staying true to Jekyll, which has served me well thus far.

The original design


(Simply) Refreshed design


One of the most recognizable changes is the surfacing of the blog posts on the home page and the showing of the menu section on every page.

You might ask: Why not switch to a trendy new tech stack like Next.js and Vercel?

The time and effort required to apply all changes were minimal. GitHub pages serve well for this use case. Moving the blog to another stack will take some initial time investment. For now, that’s one for the next iteration.

To another six years and beyond.

rss facebook twitter github youtube mail spotify lastfm instagram linkedin google google-plus pinterest medium vimeo stackoverflow reddit quora quora